
816finalhi! ((^~^)) so much more from Cirque de Seraphim where they have almost made their goal of $2,500 to donate to the ASPCA! wooooo! and remember, please support human-only circuses in RL, like Cirque du Soleil! ❤


pose & prop~

~the magician~


hey! ((^~^)) more things from Cirque de Seraphim and the latest hairstyle by [LCKY]!


pose & props~

  • Persefona-Magic Butterflies in Hat-Silver (includes pose, hat, butterflies, & wand……available @ Cirque de Seraphim…tysm persefona!)

~freak show~

809finalhey! ((^~^)) mostly everything you see here are more goodies from Cirque de Seraphim, with a few exceptions! i mainly wanted to show all the cool furniture and decor you can get for yourself at this fantastic event! i hope you enjoy….it was really fun setting this all up in my home! oh! and my dress is one of the sale items from this month’s Fantasy Room!




decor (left to right)~


808p3hey! ((^~^)) my last post for the day and it features lots more from Cirque de Seraphim! as for me, i will be getting a job again in RL soon, so i may be focused on that in the next week or so! that doesn’t mean i will stop blogging, oh no! but my posts might be less than usual for a while as i will be a lil stressed, sadly…..but who knows?! wish me luck and enjoy your shopping ❤





807finaloopsies! ((^~^)) more super kawaii goodness from Cirque de Seraphim and Xiasumi School Festival!


~lovely little llamas~

Snapshot_3033 finalheyooo! ((^~^)) Cirque de Seraphim is open and i am beyond elated! i will be showing you so many cute things from there in the coming days and weeks because 50% of the sales from the exclusives here will be donated to the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals….a cause i have supported my whole life! i grew up on a farm in RL and took in so many rescue animals myself, so this event means the world to me! another fabulous event going on right now is the Xiasumi School Festival, with the theme being school of course! but the best part is that donations are being taken here to Save the Children: Japan Earthquake Tsunami Relief! my heart goes out to everyone who has collaborated to bring us these events to the grid….it is truly a special month and the perfect time to go on a shopping spree!




~Cirque de Seraphim~

seraphimlogohey there! ((^~^)) it is an absolute honor for me to announce an upcoming charity event that i have the pleasure of blogging for, Cirque de Seraphim! this will be a huge event, with all kinds of amazing designers from all over the grid, each with donation items where 50% of the proceeds go directly to a charity that is very close to my heart, the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals! the theme is going to be, of course, “circus” and there will be plenty of unique fashions, home decor, and more for you to browse! it will begin on November 6th and run until November 26th, so you will have lots of time to wander! i am so excited to be a part of the Cirque de Seraphim team and i can’t wait until it starts….i will be showing you bunches of cute outfits! make your avatar look great and help save the animals at the same time!

for the love of those who don’t have a voice, we stand united!