
863final2heyo! ((^~^)) can we just pretend for a minute that winter doesn’t exist right now? i went back to Sarawak to forget that it’s sometimes -50 degrees in RL! yes, i fully admit i am using SL to escape reality lol!



sim location~

~year of the goat~


happy new year! ((^~^)) Year of the Goat….also known as the Year of the Sheep! i am so excited! it is officially 2015 where i live! i am thankful for this past year and for all of my new followers and sponsors…..i literally would not exist without all of your love and support! here’s to the future and all the wonderfully new & interesting things it will bring! much love and positive vibes to you all ❤


~keepers of the forest~

857p3heya! ((^~^)) can you tell by this picture that i am aching for summer already? lol! anyways, there is still time left to grab all the gifts under the christmas tree at We ❤ Role-Play! just join the group and get a bunch of cool prezzies and get updates on future events! also, the newest round of No21 is open and +Half-Deer+ has a beautiful selection of delicate Fairylight Crowns and Halos!



~safe in your arms~

855p6hnnng! ((^~^)) SOU by Creation.JP is here and everything is inspired by japanese culture! Tableau Vivant made two hairstyles for this event called Harukaze and Breeze…..they look similar but Breeze has an extra strand of hair in the front! i also have more adorable freebies from the Inspiration Point Hunt!




~steampunk bunnies~

846p2heyo! ((^~^)) i am featuring this whimsical hairstyle by Tableau Vivant called Snow Bunny which is available now on sale at December’s round of Collarbor88! it includes these bunnies and a HUD to change the color of their fur and eyes! you can also purchase the hair without the bunnies and it’s called Snowdrift….also available at Collarbor88! i absolutely love this hair!



815p2heya! ((^~^)) i love this beautiful gown by *May’s Soul*! it’s called Arcana and you can win it in different colors along with the sleeves at the Fantasy Gacha Carnival! my staff is by Una and includes a HUD so you can change it to 8 different colors…..not to mention the fact that it’s on sale right now at The Fantasy Room! my antlers are from Tableau Vivant and they come with a Stamp Card for this round of Enchantment! after you have collected the stamps on your new Stamp Card from 20 different stores, you get to choose a free prize!




811finalhihi! ((^~^)) i am so honored to welcome Sweet Thing to my team of sponsors! i absolutely love the new Chubby Hellpups gachas they have right now at Xiasumi School Festival! they are a collaboration with darkendStare and there are 6 colors of pups to win! there are even matching ears you can wear yourself! you can the gacha in the Haunted House building in the top room ❤




sim location~


804final2hey! ((^~^)) need a last-minute Halloween costume? look no further than your own inventory under Library….this mesh vampire is already there along with some other great outfits! as for me, my avatar is rocking some beautiful locks from .Olive.….and the cool part is they are having a 50% off sale right now! tomorrow is the last day so hurry on over!



  • Vampire Beast-Mesh (free in your inventory Library)

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  • Bloodlust~Killsonik


801final2hi! ((^~^)) i have lots to show you today, starting with this gacha outfit i have been wanting for a long time! the end of the month is drawing near, so that means a lot of events are just about over! the Body Modification Expo 2014 is one of them and that’s where you can find this pretty hair from Little Bones.!


sim location~

~The Wandering Faun 2014~

802final3heyo! ((^~^)) i decided to update my blog headers and wanted to share the details in case anyone is interested…..but seriously, who wouldn’t want to know where this amazing hair comes from?! ❤ in love ❤


  • Panties~*May’s Soul*-Deer in the Forest-Thong-Brown (tysm may!)
  • Hair~MOON-Pennyroyal Tea-Oblongs
  • Eyes~The Sugar Garden-Dark Skies-Light Brown (free group gift…fee to join)
  • Freckles~SOONSIKI-Odd Beauty Freckles (tysm kattington!)
  • Skin~The Sugar Garden-Bunny-D Tone (tysm eilfie!)
  • Shape~made by me (not for sale)
  • Body~WowMeh-Silhouette v1.0-InSize (unavailable)
  • Mouth~.Loud Mouth.-Alli-Closed